The Man Walk – an opportunity to walk, talk and support!

The man walk provides an opportunity for men to get together to walk

The man walk provides an opportunity for men to get together to walk, talk and support each other in a regular and healthy way. The Man Walk provides an environment that is positive, supportive and inclusive, where there is no pressure and no barriers to entry.

The Man Walk – St George’s Basin was started by John Svoboda and commenced on the 22nd of October, 2022. The walk is held every third Saturday at 6.30 am (please check the facebook page before turning up). The group meets in Sanctuary Point at the Paradise Beach Road shops (outside Jo’s Brekky & Brunch or Plough and Harrow Bakery).   The walk starts with a free coffee, and then the group heads down to the basin, where we follow the Basin Walking Track.

The Man Walk has been designed as a group where men can get outdoors, form friendships and support each other. If you want to make new connections or help others in our community feed included, especially those who feel isolated daily, please come along.

Photo: John Soboda with Mayor Ananda Findlay at the 2023 Shoalhaven Council Australia Day Awards.

John is the Manbassador of The Man Walk St Georges Basin. He was recently nominated for the Community Leader, Contributing to an Inclusive Shoalhaven award.

John is an active member of the community. He is member of Sanctuary Point Community Pride and host of ‘Upbeat Songs with John’ on Bay and Basin 927FM.

If you are interested in participating, you may wish to join The Man Walk – St Georges Basin (Yuin) Facebook Page or The Man Walk Community Facebook Page

Coffees supplied with thanks to SSPAN through a grant from Australia Post.


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