All-abilities Basket Swing at Clifton Park

Making Sanctuary Point accessible for the whole community one project at a time.

We’re making Sanctuary Point more inclusive!. 

In order to make Clifton Park and its play equipment accessible to all community pride organised for an all-abilities basket swing and soft-fall area underlay to be installed in the park next to the play equipment. The Swing and underlay were installed in 2020 and was officially opened by Fiona Phillips, Federal Member for Gilmore on on 7 March 2021.

Funding for the swing was raised through Community Pride’s annual Spring into Sanctuary Point raffle and a grant from Veolia Mulwaree Trust.

Do you have any project ideas to make Sanctuary Point more inclusive? We’d welcome your suggestions and/or project ideas. Get in touch with us via our Contact Us page.

Photos from the Opening

Article in the About Magazine

To find more great parks in the Sanctuary Point and the wider Shoalhaven area go to Council’s park and equipment page on their website.


Clifton Learn-to-Ride Park


Installed 2020. Officially opened by Fiona Phillips MP March 2021

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