Revitalise Sanctuary Point

Revitalise Sanctuary Point (RSP) is a project that created a master plan for the further of Sanctuary

Revitalise Sanctuary Point (RSP) is a project that created a master plan for the future of Sanctuary Point’s Shopping Precinct. The project aimed to refresh and revitalise the shopping precinct.  The project saw the repair and restoration of the Paradise Beach Road car park and walkways.

Project background

In early 2019, in collaboration with Basin Business Forum, Bendigo Bank Sanctuary Point, and Sanctuary Point Community Pride Inc., the Revitalise Sanctuary Point committee submitted a grant application to the ‘My Community Project’ scheme after recognising the need for a revitalisation of our town centre. Fortunately, they were successful with the most votes and were granted $188,000 from the NSW State Government to develop and carry out a revitalisation plan.

The RSP was awarded the $188,000 grant to revitalise the Sanctuary Point Shopping Precinct. 

In October 2019, the Revitalise Sanctuary Point Project team came together. This committee comprised a team of experts and volunteers who worked hard to create a plan to revitalise Sanctuary Point’s town centre.

RSP Committee

The initial Revitalise Sanctuary Point (RSP) Committee included the following:

  • Veronica Husted – Community Member, Member of Sanctuary Point Community Pride Inc. and on the Board of Bendigo Bank Sanctuary Point
  • Ellen Thornthwaite – Community member, local business owner and co-founder of the Basin Business Forum.
  • Sharon Goldsmith – Community member, local business owner
  • Mary-Jean Lewis – Community member, local business owner.
  • Wesley Hindmarch – Architect from Local Architect South Coast
  • Cinnamon Dunsford – Certified Practising Planner and experienced community engagement practitioner from Local Consulting.
  • Stuart Drury – Landscape Architect from Ayling Drury Landscape Architecture.

Draft Master Plan

In July 2020, after consulting with the community, the RSP team released a bold draft Master Plan and liaised with the community to gauge their feedback.  

The master plan considered Sanctuary Point’s calm and relaxed village lifestyle. It also reflected Sanctuary Points’ strong connection to its past and the natural environment, both land and water-based, and passionately provides a strong community and service base for all ages.

The master plan showcased the Sanctuary Point Village Precinct. It aimed to build upon the community’s strengths by reinforcing its accessibility, usability, and appeal to all users whilst providing the services, facilities and other infrastructure to ensure an economical and environmentally sustainable approach into the future. Attached is the revised Master Plan dated 9 August 2021.

The committee also had a medium-term plan for the overall shopping precinct. They envision the improvement of many areas within the local centre, which includes the skate park and the back of the shopping village and surrounding Francis Ryan Oval. 

The committee also wished to install new signage and new town flags, and they hoped to design and implement a new car park design and traffic flow direction for the shopping centre, which would connect with the shopping area on Kerry Street.

Master Plan Sketch Perspectives

The images above show the vision the committee wished to implement. It included more seating areas, children’s play equipment, additional plants and flowers, and better signage and colour.

Delays and setbacks

The project was delayed due to the 2019/20 bushfires and the 2020/21 pandemic. It was also affected by the Council’s announcement of the Library location and plans. The committee had to put their plans on hold until they knew what the library design would entail.

The committee considered the feedback it received from the community and continued with its revitalisation plans throughout 2020-21. During this time, the committee:

  • Organised the surveying and traffic flow review for the upgrades to the shopping centre, car park and rear lane.  
  • Attended meetings to review and amend the draft design plans for the shopping precinct, including the shopping façade, walkways, rear lane and car parks.
  • Attended meetings with Council to discuss the rear lane and car park plans and work out the DA requirements.
  • Liaised with local artists regarding the design and colouring projection for the works.

The project team submitted their DA application, which included remodelling the car park and providing seating and shade structures. Unfortunately, the DA was approved with conditions the project could not comply with. The committee appealed the decision but could not proceed, and they had to abandon their plans yet again.

The committee worked closely with the Council to make the most impact on the Masterplan. Ultimately, the project team had to work within its budget. It was decided that the project’s efforts would focus on areas with the most significant impact on the town. The committee engaged Jirgens Civil to help complete the project and execute the community’s vision of what they could achieve without DA requirements.

These improvements included: 

  • Repair and refresh the car park surface, with extra parking spaces created and the inclusion of accessible parking spaces
  • Wheel stops and bollards were inserted in the car park to address safety concerns.
  • The creation of two alfresco areas with planter boxes and seating.
  • Fixing the gardens
  • Realigning car park spaces to add more parking
  • Installation of two disabled access car parks,
  • Cleaning 
  • New signage.

It was hoped that changes would invigorate the shop owners and tenants to refresh and maintain their building/shopfronts and make the centre a brighter and more attractive place for tourists and community members.

Sculptural Works

In October 2021, the RSP Project called for an Expression of Interest for a proposed sculptural landmark that responds to the local area as part of the Sanctuary Point Village Precinct Master Plan.

The completed work was to be installed at the Sanctuary Point Village shopping precinct entrance, Paradise Beach Road, Sanctuary Point. See attached EOI.  This aspect of the project did not go ahead.

Completion of the project

In late-2022, the RSP committee disbanded, and the responsibility of completing the project was handed to the auspicing body, Sanctuary Point Community Pride Inc.  The remaining funds were allocated to the removal of the planters, the purchase of stickers for the backs of the council garbage bins and the landscaping of the pocket park outside the Youth and Community Centre, which is part of a BCR Communities project.

Further information:

  • Project website –
  • Project Facebook page –


Paradise Beach Road Sanctuary Point


2019 – Present

Funding Body

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