Sanctuary Point Community Pride took a lead role in advocating for a new Library in Sanctuary Point. As a result of the community banding together and demanding a new Library, Sanctuary Point residents and the broader Bay and Basin Community will enjoy a state-of-the-art regional Library.
Go to Shoalhaven Councils’ ‘Get Involved’ page to learn more about the new Sanctuary Point Library.
Project History
In late 2017 Shoalhaven City Council proposed that as part of their Vincentia Hub Plan, the Branch Library located in Sanctuary Point would be closed, and a new Library be built as part of the proposed expanded Leisure Centre complex in Vincentia.
Sanctuary Point Community Pride took a lead role in advocating to keep a Library in Sanctuary Point. Working with Cr Bob Proudfoot, Community Pride galvanised the community to demand a precision motion to stop the Council from moving the proposed new regional Library from being built in Vincentia as part of the Vincentia Hub Plan and to have it built in Sanctuary Point.
On 25 January 2018, Community Pride organised the “Save Sanctuary Point Library” campaign for the Sanctuary Point community. It aimed to raise awareness of this proposal and demand a new regional library be built in Sanctuary Point. This campaign included creating the ‘Save Sanctuary Point Library’ Facebook Page (later changed to ‘Friends of Sanctuary Point Library’). The campaign notes that their reasons for opposing the Library’s move to Vincentia were:
- Sanctuary Point is the population centre of the Bay and Basin area. The 2016 Census noted that the resident population of Sanctuary Point was 7,234 – making Sanctuary Point one of the largest towns outside Nowra/Ulladulla.
- Many people who use the Library walk to the Library. Many residents walk to the Library, including members of Sanctuary Point’s large retirement population and families with young children. Not everyone has the privilege of owning a car or the funds to spend on petrol.
- The proposed site is 4.8 km from the Bay and Basin population centre. This equates to an hour and 10-minute walk from Sanctuary Point Library for a fit and healthy person (source: Google maps). Walking to the proposed Library in Vincentia would not be possible for elderly residents or parents pushing prams and walking toddlers.
- There is no regular public transport to the proposed location. The Route 32 bus runs from Sanctuary Point to Vincentia (Coles) 4 times daily. Running the other way, Vincentia (Coles) to Sanctuary Point, only four buses are scheduled (Source: Nowra Coaches).
- There was community concern that the Sanctuary Point Library would close when the new library at Vincentia opened. Some have suggested that Council had plans to retain the Sanctuary Point Library after the Library in Vincentia opens. Council employees have told many locals, including traders along the Sanctuary Point shopping strip, over several years that the Library would close when the proposed one opened. I’m not sure what promises the locals in Milton were told, but we know that the Friends of Milton Library had to fight long and hard to keep their Library after the Ulladulla Library was opened.
- It’s been proven that libraries play an important role in low socio-economic areas. It is well documented that Sanctuary Point residents are not as privileged as their Bay and Basin neighbours, and the area is considered vulnerable in several domains. It is fair and equitable to keep the Library in Sanctuary Point where the need is more significant. A great wealth of research supports the need for Libraries to be located in areas of greater need.
At the meeting, Cnr Proudfoot noted that
“Many people use the Sanctuary Point library, that needs to be expanded … a two-storey library in a sporting precinct is an extravagance … [the] Bay and Basin plan will cost 30-40 million* dollars we don’t really have, at the expense of the things that have been put on hold for far too long. Let’s build a district library where the population is, it makes better planning sense”
South Coast Register
Following further discussion by the Councillors, a rescission motion was carried with thanks to Crs Watson, Proudfoot, Guile, Pakes, Levett, Alldrick, and Kitchener.
With Cr Bob Proudfoot, Sanctuary Point Community Pride and the local community pushed to keep the Library in Sanctuary Point; this included a petition. On 27 February 2018, at Council’s Ordinary meeting, Shoalhaven City Councillors voted to build a new district library at Sanctuary Point.,
The South Coast Register wrote on 28 March 2018
“The issue of where to build the district library has been a matter of conjecture among councillors, since Cr Bob Proudfoot pushed for a location change from original plans to build it in the Bay and Basin community precinct several months ago.
After many hours of debate, and two rescission motions, casting voter Cr Patricia White said this would be a positive move for residents of Sanctuary Point.”
At the 3rd April 2018 Ordinary Council meeting, it was agreed that
‘A district library to be constructed at Sanctuary Point as a high priority.’
In April 2018 “Save Sanctuary Point Library” Facebook group changed its name to “Friends of Sanctuary Point Library”, and its focus changed to the promotion of Sanctuary Point Library and keeping the community informed about the new Sanctuary Point Library.
The following month, May 2018, Council started its consultation process with its Sanctuary Point Library Community Consultation survey. Though it was not plain sailing, tensions between Councillors remained, as documented in this South Coast Register article – Shoalhaven Greens try to scuttle new Sanctuary Point library plans (29 November 2018).
Movement on the Sanctuary Point Library project started to take place in 2020. In May 2020 Council released the Consultation Survey (25 May 2020 to 26 June 2020) and created its “Get Involved” page.
On 22 May 2020 on Council’s Get Involved page was updated. It noted that a New DIrection would be taken, and a new potential site was proposed. Another post stated that the new Sanctuary Point District Library is on the corner of Kerry Street and Paradise Beach Road.
On 10 June 2020, Council released its feedback survey on the Sanctuary Point District Library Design. It was noted that the survey would help understand the communities expectations and inform the preparation of a concept design.
It was announced on 20 November 2020 that Shoalhaven City Council had appointed Brewster Hjorth Architects (BHA) to undertake the design and facilitate the community consultation process for the Library. The following month Council ran community consultation workshops to inform the development of a draft concept plan for the Library.
The concept design of Sanctuary Point District Library was on public exhibition from Wednesday, 31 March to Friday, 30 April 2021.
In the same month, the Community Engagement report was made public, and the concept plans for the new state-of-the-art Library were released.
At Council’s Ordinary Meeting on Tuesday, 25 May 2021, Council resolved that Council:
1. Note the submissions provided on the concept design of the Sanctuary Point District Library for information.
2. Adopt the concept design, as publicly exhibited, with the following minor changes.
The revised concept plan is below:
In January 2022, Fiona Phillips MP applied for funding for the Library through the Federal Governments Building Better Regions Fund.
In February 2022, Fiona Phillips MP announced Labor’s commitment for $7.5 million for the new Sanctuary Point District Library. Upon her election in March 2022 to the Federal Gover
“Congratulations to the friends of Sanctuary Point Library, Sanctuary Point Community Pride Inc. and Shoalhaven City Council for your tireless advocacy.”
Fiona Phillips MP
Back Row: Peter Winkler, Mayor Amanda Findlay, Former Cr Bob Proudfoot, Paul Hawkin (Vice President, Sanctuary Point Community Pride) and Allen Kruse (President, Allen Kruse).
In May 2022 Council announced that it was at an advanced stage of planning for the construction and delivery of the sanctuary Point Regional Library. The Development Application has been submitted, and the next stage of the process is to consider the procurement and project management services for the construction phase.
In July, the Public Artwork EOI was released, artists were selected, and the Sanctuary Point Library – Public Art – Scoping Document was released.
This page was last updated in January 2023. Go to Council’s Get Involved page for more details.